our services

Ongoing marketing support for tradies

Leave the heavy lifting of finding new clients up to us. Our ongoing marketing support services are here to make your life easier and your business more successful.

marketing services for your tradie business

Monthly support from
marketing experts

Marketing isn’t a one-time task – it’s an ongoing journey demanding dedication and expertise. That’s why we’re here to provide the continuous support you need to stay ahead of your competition and keep your business thriving.

be found by customers

Our ongoing marketing strategies will help you get in front of more of the right customers each month.

get more quality leads

We'll monitor your lead quality, and make adjustments to your marketing, to get more of the leads you want.

stand out from competitors

We keep an eye on what your competitors are doing, so we can keep one step ahead and ensure you stand out.

keep up the momentum

If you've invested in a strategy, new website or brand it's important to give it ongoing support.

adapt to changing markets

Competitors, demand, customers and the economy changes, we'll adapt your marketing to suit.

understand how you're going

We provide monthly reports on your marketing performance with recommendations for any change.

direct line to a marketing expert

You'll have a go to marketing expert to bounce ideas off or to answer any of your marketing questions.

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Aussie Team
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happy Clients

What does TradiePad know about Marketing Support?

we take the hassle & confusion our of marketing for tradies

At TradiePad, we have access to Marketing Experts with over a decade of experience helping tradies get the most out of their marketing spend.

Our team of Aussies across Australia work with you to provide straightforward marketing support with no-nonsense advice and recommendations. 


we do more than just Marketing support

complete tradie marketing solutions in one place!

lead generation

Strategies to attract more quality leads and profitable jobs to your business to maintain steady work and grow your revenue. Find out more

website & landing pages

We help create and improve websites and landing pages to capture and convert leads, and rank better in Google. Find out more


Make your mark with a logo and brand that customers remember. Find out more

Search engine optimisation

Rise to the top of search results and get noticed by more customers. Find out more

Google ads management

Attract more customers with targeted Google paid search ads.

Email marketing setup

Keep in touch with customers and win more jobs with targeted email systems.

Let's chat about your business

book a call

To avoid playing phone tag book a date and time that suits you to have a quick chat about how we can help your business.